30+ Pregnancy Books for Free! [PDF]

Pregnancy is a time of great care for both mother and baby. Both live the process of producing life, so it is a time that deserves preparation. With this in mind, we have created a collection of pregnancy books in PDF format.

Through our selection of pregnancy books in PDF format, you will have access to quality information where every mom and dad can responsibly document themselves on biological and psychological issues of pregnancy.

During pregnancy many physiological, metabolic and morphological changes occur in the woman to protect and care for the life of the fetus. In this way, it will be able to develop in a healthy way inside the uterus and be born in the best conditions.

It is a stage that lasts approximately 40 weeks, enough time for both mother and baby to prepare for a new life. It is important that the woman nourishes herself with all the possible resources to have a happy pregnancy and thus guarantee that everything goes well.

Reading, in this sense, is very beneficial, as it provides security, entertainment, motivation and support. In short, it is a good habit to develop during this period.

Reading during pregnancy gives the mother the opportunity to learn more deeply about the biological and psychological aspects of the experience, and if she includes the baby in the reading activity, she can create a special connection with the baby.

Whenever we experience something new it is important to document ourselves so that we know what to expect from this situation and learn, why not, from other similar experiences. All of this can come from reading during pregnancy.

Check out our more than 30 books on pregnancy in PDF format, available for immediate download, totally free and offering quality information for all those who want to enjoy it.

Pregnancy Books

The Pregnancy Book

St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Guidelines for Antenatal Care and Skilled Attendance at Birth


Caring for YourselfDuring Pregnancy & Beyond

UCSF Women’s Health Obstetrics Services

Books on Emotions in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very peculiar stage, where the woman’s emotional changes play an important role, for many women it can be frustrating and overwhelming to go from one emotion to another, and not being able to explain the reason for that emotion.

I remember when my wife was pregnant her mood swings were not as frequent, however, not everyone is like that, everyone is different and expresses their emotions in different and quite particular ways.

You must understand that emotions in pregnancy are quite normal, and are due to both the internal changes that the body presents, as well as the physical changes that occur in the body, in addition to the reality of a baby in the womb, something that does not happen every day.

Coping with anxiety during pregnancy and following the birth: A cognitive behaviour therapy-based resource and self management guide for women and health care providers

Michelle Haring,Ph.D, R. Psych.

Parental Emotional Wellbeing and Infant Development

The Royal College of Midwaves

Emotional Health and Wellbeing - A Guide for Pregnant Women

Blue Star Line

Emotional changes during pregnancy and following chilbirth


Feelings during Pregnancy and After the Birth

Perinatal Services BC

Emotional Changes During Pregnancy (Article)

Springfield Public Schools – Home

Books on Physiology of Pregnancy

Being pregnant represents a great emotion, bringing a baby into the world is something wonderful and constitutes one more member for the family, and although it is something that generates a lot of happiness, it entails in itself many new things, such as physiological changes in women, which are many.

Physiology in pregnancy is a subject of much attention, it is one of the most controlled by professionals, since it is about what happens in the mother’s body that is directly related to the baby that is being formed.

Some of the changes are the following: body gain of 9 to 12 kg, decrease of iron and folic acid in the organism, rearrangement of the organs to make room, decrease of gastrointestinal motility producing frequent vomiting, hormonal changes that decrease sexual desire, loss of nutrients, etc.

Physiology of Pregnancy (Power Point Presentation)

Robert Walsh and Alex Teo

Physiological Changes in Pregnancy

Priya Soma-Pillay, Catherine Nelson-Piercy and Heli Tolppanen

Physiology of Pregnancy (Power Point Presentation)

Tulane University

Physiological changes in pregnancy

Candice K Silversides and Jack M Colman

Physiology of Pregnancy and Lactation

V. Vaclavinkova

Books on Labor

What is labor? It is the moment in which the baby prepares to go outside, therefore it is the internal process that occurs in the woman’s body before giving birth to her son or daughter.

The stages known as labor are the following: Effacement and dilation of the cervix, here begin the contractions, which start being mild and distended until they become more frequent, strong and long. After this comes the second phase, where the baby begins to descend through the cervix, until it reaches the vagina and comes out into the world, and finally the placenta is released.

Now, how to know if you are in labor? These are the signs: regular contractions, water breaking and changes in vaginal discharge.

Labour and Delivery Care


Normal Labor and Delivery (Power Point Presentation)

Csaba Ákos MD

Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Labour and Delivery

Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Know the Signs of Labor (Article)

Health Information Translations

Stages of Labor (Article)

Health Information Translations

Warning Signs in Pregnancy

The warning signs in pregnancy are those that reflect that something is not right with the baby, they represent a great danger, and if not treated quickly can lead to the death of the mother or the loss of the child.

There are many cases in which sadness has filled the lives of people who had the joy of getting pregnant but did not succeed in having their baby, something that is really unfortunate; that is why it is very good to educate yourself on the subject and be prepared.

Some of the most frequent warning signs are the following: Constant headache, swelling of hands, face, legs and feet, blurred vision, ringing in the ear, vaginal bleeding, lack of movement of the baby, little or no growth of the baby in the uterus, contractions before the due date, etc. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your physician.

Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Matthews Mathai, Susheela Engelbrecht

A Study among Pregnant Women Regarding Danger - Signs of Pregnancy

Monia Begum

Danger Signs in Pregnancy

Expert Houston Obgyns

Books on Pregnancy and Covid-19

Pregnancy and covid-19, the latter being relatively new in terms of accurate information, it has not been adequately tested whether it directly influences pregnant women, causing damage to the baby in the womb.

To date, only premature births have been reported, but it has not been confirmed that babies are born with the virus, what is believed is that they have been infected after birth, something that poses a great risk since they are practically without defenses in their organism, so to speak. As for the severity of this virus, that it is stronger in pregnant women than in others who are not pregnant, it has not yet been confirmed as there is very little data.

Therefore, we encourage you to continue taking the necessary preventive measures, and at this time you can read the bibliography we have for you.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection in Pregnancy

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Guidance for Management of Pregnant Women in COVID-19 Pandemic

Indian Council of Medical Research

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) andpregnancy: what obstetricians need to know

Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD, MS; John C. Smulian, MD, MPH; John A. Lednicky, PhD

Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnancy (Article)

Chiu-Lin Wang, Yi-Yin liu & Chin-Hu Wu

How to Explain a Child the Arrival of a Sibling Books

Being a father of two children, I remember a couple of years ago when we found out we were going to be parents again, our daughter took it with great joy in the midst of her astonishment, and as time went by her mood never declined, in fact when talking to her (she was 3 years old at the time) she assimilated it very well.

However, it is not always like that, there are children who take it in a very different way, they get jealous, upset and somewhat insecure, so it is necessary as a parent to document about it.

How to explain to a child the arrival of a sibling can be a real challenge, but don’t worry, you can review the selected material we have for you, it will surely help you in a great way.

Helping your Child with ASD Adjust to New Siblings

Surrey Place

Preparing Children for a New Baby (Article)

Kyla Boyse

Preparing for a New Brother or Sister (Power Point Presentation)

Kidmunicate Pediatric Speech Therapy - Kidmunicate

Preparing your child for the new sibling

Drishti Kid Care Clinic

Well, this was our collection of Pregnancy books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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