The Time Machine

Author: H. G. Wells

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Floor Games

H. G. Wells

It is a book published in 1911 that describes a series of games designed for young children. It is said that Wells had so much fun playing with his children that he decided to write a book to guide other parents in creative play.

Floor Games games could be played indoors and included the following toys: soldiers about two inches tall; large wooden bricks and boards; electric railway rolling stock and rails. For Wells these elements were versatile, as, for example, the boards and planks can be used to create various imaginative geographies, such as cities, or also to realize engineering projects.

Today, Floor Games is considered a guide book on learning through play, as well as non-verbal child psychotherapy. If you are a parent, it will surely inspire you to create enchanting stories with magical worlds and miniature figures.

The Discovery of the Future

H. G. Wells

This is a philosophical lecture originally delivered at the Royal Institution on January 24, 1902, which argues for the possibility of knowing the general (but not the individual) future. It was subsequently published in book form in February 1902.

To begin with, Wells distinguishes two types of mind among people: one oriented to the past (which he describes as passive and submissive) and another that gives importance to what will happen in the future (which for him would be creative, modern and active).

In The Discovery of the Future, the English writer analyzes the reasons for the predominance of minds that give importance to what happened in the past, which he considers to be due to the fact that what we know of the past is evidently greater than what we know of the future. Although, for him, despite the unpredictability of human behavior, the inference that the future is unknowable did not go with modern science.

The War of the Worlds

H. G. Wells

The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by the English author, first published in 1897 by Pearson's Magazine in the United Kingdom and by Cosmopolitan magazine in the United States.

The novel's first appearance in hardcover was in 1898 by publisher William Heinemann of London. Written between 1895 and 1897, it is one of the first stories to detail a conflict between humanity and an alien race. The novel is the first-person narrative of an unnamed protagonist in Surrey and his younger brother in London when southern England is invaded by Martians. The novel is one of the most talked about works in the science fiction canon.

This Misery of Boots

H. G. Wells

It is a 1907 political treatise advocating socialism, being an expansion of a 1905 essay. It consists of five chapters in which Wells condemns private ownership of land and naturally produced things. He also supports expropriation by the "state" and the administration of land, business, etc.

From the mid-1880s, Wells considered himself a socialist, which was marked by a unique personal bias. As a result, he went on to write numerous essays and four books in favor of and in promotion of this political, social and economic system.

The Misery of Boots is one of such works, where he argues that socialism requires a complete change of the entire system, and that one of the greatest problems it faced was to gain the enthusiasm and loyal cooperation of large masses of people.

A Short History of the World

H. G. Wells

It is an account of human history published in 1922. It is preceded by The Outline of History, and was intended for those readers who wished to study in detail the maps and time diagrams included in The Outline, as well as for those who wanted to refresh their knowledge and concepts about humanity.

A Short History of the World includes the scientific knowledge of the time on the origin and development of the Earth and life, covering topics such as the development of mankind and the Cradle of Civilization. It also contains recent topics for the time, such as the outcome of World War I, the Russian famine of 1921, and the League of Nations of 1922.

If you have not yet decided to read it, this curious fact may convince you: Albert Einstein recommended this book to study history and analyze the progress of civilization.