150+ Horror Books for Free! [PDF]

Welcome, thrill-seeker! Prepare to dive into the captivating universe of horror books, where each story will make you question shadows and nocturnal noises.

Our catalog is a true treasure for fans of horror books. We offer a selection that will shake your nerves and awaken your deepest fears.

But horror books aren’t just about fear. Here, you’ll find books that will not only terrify you, but also make you think, reflect, and sometimes even move you.

Want to explore the mind of a serial killer? Or perhaps you prefer haunted houses and restless spirits? Are you intrigued by creatures of the night or science fiction tales with a dark twist? We have horror books for all tastes.

So, if you’re ready to challenge your fears and immerse yourself in a reading you won’t be able to escape from, you’re in the right place. Browse, discover, and download the horror books waiting for you.

Happy scares!

1) Children's Horror Books

Children's Horror Books

Because fear and terror are not just a matter for adults, we have created a collection of children’s horror books for everyone at home to enjoy.

Several of the classic horror books are considered suitable for reading to the youngest members of the family, as they are stories with the element of fear and intrigue; some of them are even short readings.

We invite you to review our list and choose the stories that may be more in line with your child’s age and maturity to face fears.

2) Cosmic Horror Books

Cosmic Horror Books

In cosmic horror books, you will find unfathomable worlds, parallel dimensions, and dreams that crystallize and derive from episodes of madness. Ancestral beings that awaken and alter the established order.

Unlike other types of horror stories, in cosmic horror books, there are usually no heroes, and no man is relevant enough to decide his own destiny.

This type of horror does not focus entirely on deities, but can also be a natural phenomenon, such as thunder, a volcano, or an eclipse, so it is cosmic, of the cosmos as a whole. If you wish to enter a totally different world of horror, we invite you to take a look at this section.

3) Ghost Horror Books

Ghost Horror Books

When we are in the dark, most of us can sometimes feel as if some presence is there, and we begin to see silhouettes that our brain little by little gives a really dark shape.

Perhaps that is why there is a fear of the dark, of the unknown, and not knowing what we can find. How many ghosts have we been able to imagine?! Not only in moments of darkness, even during the day, and sometimes we can doubt if it is really a figment of our imagination.

If you are one of those who like “stories from beyond”, where ghosts have their most fearsome appearances, with supernatural, demonic, or religious elements, we bring you our collection of ghost horror books in PDF.

4) Gothic Horror Books

Gothic Horror Books

Gothic literature has left us with great works, and in one way or another, it has accompanied us throughout the centuries. Great classics and popular modern horror works have acquired and shared their distinctive features.

In gothic horror books, the stories are primarily set in dark, decadent, and ruinous environments. These environments can be cemeteries, wastelands, gloomy forests, crypts, and castles.

The spaces and environments are varied, but always generate in the characters feelings of anxiety and strangeness. These stories can be fed by popular legends and paranormal figures such as witches, ghosts, and vampires.

5) Horror and Romance Books

Horror and Romance Books

Can’t there be romance in horror stories? Of course, there is, and you can enjoy this excellent combination in our list of horror and romance books.

Stories of this type combine romance with paranormal or supernatural elements and characters and the setting and style of storytelling are inspired by the gothic novel.

Not only will you find passionate and dedicated lovers, but also vampires, sorcery, and ghosts, among others, will be part of the story. You will be able to enjoy unconventional love affairs.

6) Horror and Science Fiction Books

Horror and Science Fiction Books

Horror and Science Fiction are two genres that have managed to integrate and link in such a way that their mixture has given birth to great stories.

In the horror genre, the stories take on fear as a central element of the plot. On the other hand, science fiction tries to speculate about the future, space, and everything it contains, or about strange elements, parallel realities…

The mix of the characteristics of both genres in the development of the stories makes them unique and amazingly creepy works, you can enjoy this plot in our collection of Horror and Science Fiction books.

7) Horror Books for Halloween

Horror Books for Halloween

Halloween has been expanding from Ireland (its possible origin), from Europe to the United States, and more recently in Latin America.

Many symbols with different meanings are used. The main ones are pumpkins with a malevolent expression with a light inside, witches, black cats, ghosts, skulls, and costumes.

Many of these elements and even the inspiration for your decorations and costumes can be found in our list of horror books for Halloween.

8) Horror Books for Teenagers

Horror Books for Teenagers

The horror genre is one of the most captivating in reading, especially since you can enjoy it from a very young age, such as adolescence. During this age, we feel braver and this drives us to want to know and share stories of this kind.

You can take advantage of this desire to develop the habit of reading in an entertaining and chilling way. Some of these stories you may already know from their movie, but you only got a taste of what you’ll find in teen horror books.

Perhaps you are one of those who like terror but not enough to lose sleep, or, you are from a team that does not care and likes feeling fear to the fullest. In our collection, you will find free stories for all levels of fear.

9) Horror Books with Haunted Houses

Horror Books with Haunted Houses

Haunted houses are so called because paranormal phenomena such as apparitions, noises, movements of objects, etc., occur inside them.

Most of us, when we see an abandoned house or property, with an old style, we are intrigued, and even more, if it is a house with stories that go beyond our reasoning.

Haunted houses are a propitious setting for the development of great stories. Homes are supposed to generate a warm, family-like atmosphere, however, this is not the case in horror books with haunted houses.

10) Horror Books Written by Women

Horror Books Written by Women

When we think of horror books it is very easy to think of great authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, or H.P. Lovecraft. But they are not the only ones, there are also excellent horror books written by women.

It is not so easy for authors to awaken in us the feeling of terror while we immerse ourselves in reading, to make us look out of the corner of our eyes to check that there is no strange presence around us.

But they have done it, and in recognition of their work, we have decided to create this section for you to get to know new horror stories and the authors behind them.

11) Horror Short Stories

Horror Short Stories

Stories capable of causing fear, shocks and chills are also present in short texts. Horror short stories are one of the most widely read groups, mainly due to the interest they arouse in the general reading public.

With narratives that generate fear, the authors of these books manage to activate the minds and perceptions of the readers, taking them to an unparalleled level of emotion and exaltation.

If you like this type of emotion, you should not miss this collection of free horror short stories. All are ideal to raise your adrenaline levels.

12) Paranormal Horror Books

Paranormal Horror Books

Terror and paranormal events are the perfect combination, they are out of logic stories, unreasonable, and at the same time chilling and terrifying. Perhaps many of our nightmares are fueled by this type of reading.

Paranormal events or phenomena are those that science cannot explain, and perhaps that lack of explanation is what most attracts our attention.

With paranormal horror books, you won’t stop being amazed at the wit of the authors to describe in the darkest way the manifestation of evil and the fight that will take place to try to defeat it.

13) Psychological Horror Books

Psychological Horror Books

There are fears that are in us and accompany us in the darkness. We are in bed and they are waiting for us impatiently behind the door. These fears, inspired by childhood trauma or by specific stories, end up getting deeper. They are the shadow in the distance with which the writer has to play to make psychological horror an art.

These kinds of fears are formed in our minds, attend to our subjective world and move away from the most graphic horror. Since it is not presented by monsters, witches, vampires, zombies, haunted houses and industrial quantities of blood.

It is usually considered that the pioneering author of this modality was the great American storyteller Edgar Allan Poe, who through stories such as The Tell-Tale Heart, The Man of the Crowd or The Imp of the Perverse, among others, found a new way to make the traditional Gothic novel obsolete.

14) Suspense Books

Suspense Books

Suspense is a narrative technique that manages to keep us hooked, it is like a power of seduction that the authors strategically employ to captivate us in the development of the story.

Aside from fear, another characteristic of the horror genre is suspense. We experience it, for example, when we do not know what may happen to the characters, it generates in us questions that for the moment will not have an answer and forces us to stay in the reading until we find out.

If you are one of those who are fascinated by that feeling or state of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, feeling a certain degree of tension, you can not miss the Horror and Suspense Books we have available for you for free.

15) Horror Books in French

Horror Books in French

The literary genre of terror has as its main objective to provoke fear in readers, in fact, the main characteristic of this genre is the effect it generates in the audience, which we refer to as fear.

Horror books are distinguished by managing to affect the thoughts of the people who read them, through the events that the story covers; these events can be executed by human characters or not.

According to what experts say, a character of supernatural origin or belonging to the monster category is not required to terrify readers. You can see this and enjoy it in each of the categories ofhorror books that we have put together for you.

Enjoy this selection of 15 horror books in French.

16) Horror Books in Portuguese

Horror Books in Portuguese

The literary genre of terror has as its main objective to provoke fear in readers, in fact, the main characteristic of this genre is the effect it generates in the audience, which we refer to as fear.

Horror books are distinguished by managing to affect the thoughts of the people who read them, through the events that the story covers; these events can be executed by human characters or not.

According to what experts say, a character of supernatural origin or belonging to the monster category is not required to terrify readers. You can see this and enjoy it in each of the categories ofhorror books that we have put together for you.

Enjoy this selection of 15 horror books in Portuguese.

17) Horror Books in Spanish

Horror Books in Spanish

The literary genre of terror has as its main objective to provoke fear in readers, in fact, the main characteristic of this genre is the effect it generates in the audience, which we refer to as fear.

Horror books are distinguished by managing to affect the thoughts of the people who read them, through the events that the story covers; these events can be executed by human characters or not.

According to what experts say, a character of supernatural origin or belonging to the monster category is not required to terrify readers. You can see this and enjoy it in each of the categories ofhorror books that we have put together for you.

Enjoy this selection of 15 horror books in Spanish.

18) Vampire Books

Vampire Books

Vampires have an aura of darkness and charm that has captivated many readers of vampire literature. It is that effect of fear, combined with an inevitable attraction that has captured the public’s attention for centuries.

The figure of the vampire comes from literature and its origins date back to the 18th century, although it was the 19th century that produced the narrative stories that would make way for Bram Stoker’s great Dracula.

The 20th century was not left behind, it was during this period that a creature that was completely demonic and despicable was humanized even more. Since then, it has not stopped evolving and today, many authors continue to amaze us with vampire stories.

At the end we invite you to visit:

| Best Books: The Best 25 Horror Books [Paid]

| Horror Authors: 15 Authors of Horror Books You Must Read

| Gifts Books: The Best 5 Horror Books to Give as Gifts

Featured Horror Books

1) Dracula by Bram Stoker [PDF]

Dracula by Bram Stoker [PDF]

Dracula is a chilling and seductive tale that has captivated generations. The book immerses us in a world of vampires, mystery, and terror as we follow the pursuit of the legendary Count Dracula by a group of brave hunters.

Bram Stoker, through Dracula, explores themes such as good and evil, the desire for immortality, the struggle between light and darkness, and repressed sexuality. The novel lays the groundwork for the vampire genre and becomes a profound study of human nature and its deepest fears.

You cannot miss the opportunity to delve into the chilling story of Dracula. Bram Stoker envelops you in a gripping plot full of suspense and horror. Discover the fascinating struggle between the hunters and Count Dracula, and let yourself be seduced by the gothic and evocative prose of this masterpiece.

2) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a disturbing tale that explores the duality of human nature through the character of Dr. Jekyll, who unleashes his dark side in the terrifying figure of Mr. Hyde.

In this work, Robert Louis Stevenson examines themes such as morality, identity, and repressed impulses, raising profound questions about the limits of civilization and the internal struggle between good and evil.

Discover the fascinating psychological journey of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a story that will captivate you and invite you to reflect on the darkest facets of the human condition, awakening your curiosity and leaving you with an unsettling feeling of intrigue.

3) At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft

At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft

At the Mountains of Madness is one of the most famous novels by the American author H.P. Lovecraft. It is part of his Cthulhu mythology and tells the story of an expedition to Antarctica by a group of scientists from the fictional Miskatonic University.

The expedition team has a newly created drill that will allow them to penetrate the subsoil to find fossils and other evidence of how life has developed in that part of the planet.

The expedition was divided into two groups, one of which went to a mountain range where they made impressive discoveries of fossils never seen before. But, out of nowhere, these scientists disappeared. The other group went in search of them, and when they arrived they found a mountain full of evil.

In the mountains of madness, it tells us about the defenselessness and vulnerability of the human race, before other cosmic beings of great power.

4) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley [PDF]

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley [PDF]

Frankenstein is a haunting and poignant tale that explores the limits of science and creation. The story follows the footsteps of scientist Victor Frankenstein and his terrifying creature, questioning the boundaries of human ambition and the consequences of playing God.

Mary Shelley, through Frankenstein, invites us to reflect on loneliness, responsibility, the search for identity, and social rejection. The novel raises questions about the power of science and the moral implications of our actions, leaving a profound mark on gothic literature and the critique of society in her time.

Immerse yourself in the pages of Frankenstein and discover a masterpiece of classic literature. Mary Shelley gifts us with a gripping and suspenseful narrative, exploring the darkest aspects of the human condition.

5) The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux [PDF]

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux [PDF]

The Phantom of the Opera is a captivating and mysterious tale set in the majestic stage of the Paris Opera House. The story follows the footsteps of an enigmatic phantom who terrorizes the theater and becomes obsessed with a young and talented singer.

In The Phantom of the Opera, Gaston Leroux addresses themes such as love, obsession, the duality of human nature, and the beauty hidden in darkness. Through his gothic and atmospheric narrative, the author immerses us in a world of unbridled passions and dark secrets.

Let The Phantom of the Opera enchant you with its mysterious atmosphere and thrilling story! Discover the hidden secrets amidst the shadows of the theater and be carried away by Gaston Leroux’s masterful prose.

6) The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson

The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson

The House on the Borderland is a novel that masterfully combines supernatural horror and fantasy. Some of the events narrated in the book are considered by many critics to be unique in this type of literature, at least until the year of its publication in 1908.

A man lives in a house in Ireland, where he experiences a series of frightening encounters with creatures that seem to emerge from the depths of this place. This nightmarish journey is the result of the man opening a portal to another dimension.

In addition to the terrifying creatures he has to deal with, the protagonist will be taken on a cosmic journey in which he learns about the beginning and end of the universe.

7) The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House of the Seven Gables is a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, for many critics the best American work of that time. It was published in 1851 and dealt with the curse that has fallen on the Pyncheon family, more specifically on the land where their mansion is built.

It all originated at the end of the 16th century when Colonel Pyncheon became infatuated with the idea of appropriating a piece of land owned by Matthew Maule, who refused to give it up. Using his influence as a judge, Colonel Pyncheon took advantage of the witch-hunting moment to accuse Maule of sorcery.

Before being executed, the man put a curse on Pyncheon, who shortly after building his house of seven roofs, died mysteriously. The consequences of this curse have enveloped generation after generation until the 19th century as if the family’s sins could be inherited.

8) The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft

The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft

The Call of Cthulhu is a story that tells us about the appearance of one of the mythological characters created by Lovecraft throughout his career as a writer. It was published in 1928 and received remarkable success, making Cthulhu one of the most popular entities in horror literature.

The story begins with the death of a professor, whose most important papers are left to the protagonist and narrator of the story. He becomes aware of the existence of a kind of octopus-headed monster called Cthulhu, who lies asleep in the depths of R’lyeh.

He also discovers that the professor was part of a cult that wants to awaken Cthulhu so that it can rule the world. With a disturbing plot, in this story, Lovecraft plunges us into a world of mystery that leaves us perplexed.

9) Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu [PDF]

Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu [PDF]

Carmilla is a gothic horror novel, the precursor of the vampire stories that inspired later works such as Dracula. It was published in 1872 and written by Sheridan Le Fanu, who gave the narrative different elements that make it enter the Gothic genre.

The protagonist, Laura, narrates how her life with her father changes radically after the accidental arrival of a beautiful, seductive and irresistible young woman. The two become close friends after Carmilla’s carriage crashes in front of Laura’s house.

The unconscious young woman is received at the father and daughter’s home for her to recover. From then on, the strangest events begin, especially in Carmilla’s behavior.

10) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde [PDF]

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde [PDF]

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a captivating work that tells the story of a young man obsessed with beauty and eternal youth. A mysterious painting holds a dark secret that triggers a series of shocking and morally disturbing events.

In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde explores themes such as moral corruption, vanity, double standards, and the limits of beauty. Through the character of Dorian Gray, the author questions the consequences of seeking unrestrained pleasure and the influence of art on life and morality.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating reading of The Picture of Dorian Gray and let yourself be seduced by Oscar Wilde’s elegant and provocative prose.

11) The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

The War of the Worlds is a horror and science fiction novel published in 1898. It deals with an invasion of aliens from the planet Mars. The narrator is the author of articles classified as speculative science and is the protagonist of the novel, although his name is never revealed.

The Martians do not come in peace, they are ready to unleash a war, an intention that is clear from the first encounter with humans. Throughout the chapters, we will witness all the vicissitudes that the protagonist will live from the invasion.

The masterfully described attack and defense make this book a classic of science fiction that gives us for the first time the description of extraterrestrial beings. It would remain forever engraved in the collective memory.

12) The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The Turn of the Screw is an intriguing tale of psychological terror that follows the chilling events occurring in the life of a young governess while caring for two children in an old mansion.

Through its plot, The Turn of the Screw explores themes of the supernatural presence, madness, and ambiguity, keeping the reader in constant suspense and questioning the reality of events.

Immerse yourself in the darkness and suspense of The Turn of the Screw, a literary masterpiece that will keep you on edge until the last page, leaving you with a feeling of unease and a profound admiration for Henry James’s narrative talent.

13) The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

The Canterville Ghost is a short story written by Oscar Wilde. What the author achieves with this work is proof of his mastery, his knowledge of the literary language, and his ability to poignantly mix mystery and humor.

It is a narrative text that leaves the reader captivated from start to finish. It’s about a ghost who, as usual, devises a plan to scare the new family that will move to Canterville Castle. The problem is that these people are not what he expected.

The Otis are part of a distinguished American family that is not impressed by the appearance of a simple ghost. This, logically, leaves the specter disconcerted and begins a conflict that finishes in an almost poetic way.

14) Morella by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

Morella by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

Morella is a gothic tale by Edgar Allan Poe that immerses you in a story of love and mystery. Discover the dark bond between a tormented husband and his deceased wife, as secrets unravel that defy reason and disturb the soul.

In this tale, Morella explores themes such as obsession, identity, and the power of death. Through Poe’s intense and evocative storytelling, we witness the dark side of passion and the desperate search for truth.

If you are a lover of gothic literature and are fascinated by unsettling tales, this book is an essential choice that will captivate you from the first line.

15) The Gold-Bug by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Gold-Bug by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Gold Bug is an intriguing tale by Edgar Allan Poe that will immerse you in a suspenseful enigma. Accompany the narrator in his quest for hidden treasure, following the clues of an enigmatic golden beetle.

This thematically puzzling tale explores obsession, ingenuity, and betrayal. The Gold Bug will take you through a labyrinth of clues and challenge you to solve the enigma alongside the protagonist.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating adventure of The Gold Bug and let yourself be captivated by the masterfully created suspense by Edgar Allan Poe.

16) The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Cask of Amontillado is a chilling tale of revenge and suspense by Edgar Allan Poe. Immerse yourself in the twisted mind of the narrator as he plans and executes his macabre revenge against an old acquaintance.

This thematically dark tale explores human cruelty, obsession, and the limits of revenge. The Cask of Amontillado invites us to question moral boundaries and reflect on the consequences of our vilest actions.

This short story will keep you on edge until the last page, with its relentless suspense and revealing conclusion.

17) The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Murders in the Rue Morgue is an intriguing tale by Edgar Allan Poe that immerses you in an unprecedented enigma. Through a series of mysterious murders, the author takes you into an atmosphere full of suspense and bewilderment.

In this literary classic, deep themes such as human nature, obsession, and the search for truth are explored. As the narrator delves into the investigation of the crimes, layers of psychology are unraveled, and unsettling questions about the human condition are raised.

Immerse yourself in the intriguing world of The Murders in the Rue Morgue and let yourself be enveloped by its unsettling atmosphere.

18) The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Fall of the House of Usher is a gothic and oppressive tale by Edgar Allan Poe that immerses us in the decay of an ancestral mansion and the tragic history of the Usher siblings, shrouded in an aura of mystery and madness.

The Fall of the House of Usher explores themes such as illness, loneliness, and the disintegration of the mind. Through a gloomy and claustrophobic atmosphere, Poe transports us to a world where reality and fantasy blend, creating a sense of unease and unrest.

Edgar Allan Poe will guide you through a fascinating and disturbing story, where every word is laden with suspense and every detail plunges you deeper into the abyss of madness.

19) The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe is a disturbing tale that immerses us in the mind of an anonymous narrator who, tormented by a crime, is haunted by the deafening beating of his victim’s heart to the point of confessing his deed.

The Tell-Tale Heart explores guilt, paranoia, and the limits of human consciousness. Through the first-person narration, Poe plunges us into the depths of the disturbed protagonist’s psyche, revealing the anguish and internal torment that consume him.

If you’re seeking a read that will make you question human nature and keep you on the edge of your seat until the end, this book will trap you without remedy.

20) The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe is a macabre tale that explores the limits of sanity through the obsession and guilt of its protagonist, who plunges into a abyss of violence and perversion triggered by the presence of a black cat in his life.

The Black Cat immerses us in the darkness of the human psyche, revealing the duality between good and evil, and the capacity of the human being to commit atrocious acts. The story raises questions about morality and individual responsibility.

Allow yourself to be seduced by the suspense and intrigue of The Black Cat. Edgar Allan Poe plunges us into a world of psychological and disturbing terror, where the darkest secrets of the human mind are unearthed.

21) The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe [PDF]

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. It is a dark and melancholic tale that narrates the story of a man tormented by the presence of a talking raven in his life, unleashing his deepest fears and emotional sufferings.

The Raven explores themes such as loss, loneliness, and madness. Through poetry and symbolism, Poe immerses us in the mind of the protagonist, revealing the internal torment and struggle against his own demons.

Plunge into the depths of terror and anguish with The Raven. Edgar Allan Poe’s mastery in creating a disturbing and unsettling story will keep you captivated until the last page.

Well, here ends our selection with the best Horror Books. We hope you liked it!

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