Love math? Welcome to our library, where you can download the best math books for free.
Our collection of books covers all branches of mathematics, including the three most important ones: algebra, calculus, and geometry. But we don’t stop there, we also offer materials on other fascinating areas such as statistics, number theory, topology, and many more.
In addition, our selection of math books has been carefully curated to offer materials for both beginners and experts. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking your first steps in this science or if you’re already knowledgeable.
Don’t wait any longer, dive into the fascinating world of mathematics with our free books! We are sure that our platform will become your favorite resource for expanding your mathematical knowledge, and best of all, without spending a penny.
Enjoy and learn!
Outstanding Mathematics Books
Advanced Algebra
Anthony W. Knapp
Advanced Algebra, is a document covering advanced topics in algebra, rings, algebraic number theory, and algebraic geometry. The text focuses on concepts such as Riemann-Roch theorem, Brauer groups, and field extensions.Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Mathematics
Brendan W. Sullivan
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Mathematics, explores the world of abstract mathematics and proof writing. It offers a guide that covers fundamental mathematical concepts, the importance of truth and proofs, as well as examples and discussions on topics such as mathematical induction and sets.Basic Algebra
Anthony W. Knapp
Basic Algebra, covers essential concepts of algebra, including division, factorization, vector spaces, multilinear algebra, group theory, commutative rings, field theory, and Galois theory, among other fundamental topics in algebraic mathematics.Math Handbook of Formulas, Processes and Tricks - Geometry
Earl L. Whitney
Math Handbook of Formulas, Processes and Tricks - Geometry, is an exhaustive compilation of mathematical content related to geometry. It includes fundamental formulas, processes and tricks, covering topics such as points, lines, planes, triangles, polygons, quadrilaterals, transformations, similarity, right triangles, circles, perimeter, area, volume, among others.The Foundations of Geometry
David Hilbert
The Foundations of Geometry, is an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles of Euclidean geometry. Hilbert examines systems of points, straight lines, and planes, establishing axioms and discussing their relationship and relevance in the logical development of Euclidean geometry.Precalculus
Jay Abramson, Valeree Falduto, Rachael Grosss
Precalculus, provides a detailed approach to fundamental precomputed concepts, including functions, trigonometry, analytical geometry, and more.A history of mathematics
Florian Cajori
A history of mathematics, provides a historical survey of mathematics from ancient times to modern times. Explores the development of mathematics in different civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt, Greece, as well as the role of prominent mathematicians in history.A Course of Pure Mathematics
G. H. Hardy
A Course of Pure Mathematics, provides a foundational overview of pure mathematics, covering topics such as real variables, algebraical operations, and more. It serves as a fundamental resource for students studying mathematics.An Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Patrick Keef David Guichard
An Introduction to Higher Mathematics, is an introductory text that covers topics such as logic, proofs, number theory, functions and mathematical relationships. This resource offers a solid foundation for those interested in exploring more advanced mathematical concepts.An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
John Hutchinson
An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics is a document that serves as a text for an introductory contemporary mathematics course, dedicated to presenting modern mathematical concepts of the 20th and 21st centuries. It covers a variety of topics, from numbers and cryptography to geometry, topology, and chaos.1) Algebra Books

Algebra is a branch of mathematics whose study focuses on the combination of abstract elements through certain rules. These abstract elements and structures may contain numbers and arithmetic operations, but they also integrate letters that usually represent variables, specific operations, coefficients, or unknowns.
Born in the Arab culture, around 820 A.D., algebra is one of the mathematical variants with the greatest diversity of applications, since it allows us to represent and solve problems in our daily lives, in the academic and business world.
Algebra books represent a journey through inductive reasoning, logic, patterns, and inductive reasoning, skills that will allow you to go far in any area. Check out the titles we have selected for you and improve your ability to deal with the complexities of everyday life.
2) Analysis Books

Analysis is a branch of mathematics focused on the study of real numbers, complex numbers, and their representation. Mathematical analysis is usually based on specific theories, such as limits, integration, sequences, differentiation, functions, and analytic series. Thus, analysis is a child of calculus.
Although analysis differs from geometry, it also makes it possible to study the spatial relationships of objects using analytic geometry. Although some postulates of mathematical analysis are based on ideas from Ancient Greece, its first point of development came with the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century.
The main mathematical branches you will find in analysis books include complex analysis, real analysis, harmonic analysis, differential equations, real analysis, numerical analysis, and measurement theory, among others. Be sure to learn more about this fascinating world through the titles we have selected for you.
3) Arithmetic Books

Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that focuses on numbers and the simple operations performed with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is the oldest of all mathematical branches, with records dating back to Ancient Greece and its later extension into the natural sciences.
Through different operations, arithmetic is an essential tool for the study of certain mathematical concepts that are fundamental for learning; concepts whose use in daily life is recurrent.
When you go to the store and buy something, and you find yourself in the need to calculate the money that the seller must return to you, you are appealing to arithmetic. However, its scope goes far beyond this type of situation, and you can learn about it through the selection of arithmetic books that we have prepared for you.
4) Calculus Books

Calculus is a mathematical branch in charge of studying motion and variation. In simple words, it is a procedure by which the result of an operation is obtained. However, its scope goes beyond that, since it allows us to observe and show reality with dynamism.
Calculus is an essential component of other areas of study, such as engineering, physics, economics and statistics, among others. It is also a valuable resource for the technological and scientific development of society. Natural laws can only be shown through equations based on functions.
Much of the infrastructure created by humans, such as bridges and buildings, could not be maintained without calculus. Calculus books provide essential concepts in the understanding of this mathematical branch, such as integration, derivative functions, variables and constants, and limit and increment, among many others.
5) Children's Mathematics Books

With the idea of providing practical and efficient information for your little ones to learn mathematics, we have taken on the task of creating a complete selection of free math books for children in PDF format.
In the texts that we present you will find different methodologies designed to instruct the little ones in the world of numbers, you will find illustrations, games, exercises, challenges and much more.
By consulting our books you will be able to find the most suitable one for your children, taking into account their ages and the level of education they should receive.
6) Combinatorics Books

For those who love mathematics and operations with numbers, we have created an interesting collection of free combinatorics books in PDF format.
Thanks to combinatorics you can count the number of situations that can occur when subjecting a finite series to the actions of choosing and ordering among its elements.
In this section we present texts with examples, applications, details of how they work, and all the aspects related to the mathematical branch known as combinatorics.
7) Differential Calculus Books

Differential calculus is a branch of mathematical analysis based on the study of the change of dependent variables as a function of the change of independent variables of mathematical functions or problems. It is an essential component in the academic curriculum of careers such as engineering, physics, accounting, etc.
Differential calculus provides the basis for developing better skills in these areas and in any field that requires intense analysis on our part. Starting from the definitions of limit and function, differential calculus focuses its study on the derivative, a concept that allows solving problems of optimization and ratios of change.
The derivative is, among other things, a subject of great importance for multiple engineering applications. Because it studies the variation of time and motion, differential calculus also makes it possible to show reality in dynamic terms. Take a look at the differential calculus titles we have prepared for you and learn much more.
8) Differential Equations Books

Differential equations are mathematical equations that link a function to its derivatives. Books on this topic represent a valuable resource for engineering students since many scientific and technological problems can be addressed by solving differential equations.
Differential equations do not usually have simple solutions. Many times, approximations are allowed elements in the solutions. Calculations required in the field of electrical machinery manufacturing or the design of radio-technical devices depend on the solution of differential equations.
Aircraft stability, projectile trajectory calculations, and the trajectory of a chemical reaction, among other situations, depending on differential equations. Rates of change and population growth are values that can be determined through differential equations. Take a look at the books in this section.
9) Game Theory Books

For those who want to know all the applications and topics related to the study of human behavior in an incentive structure, we bring you a selection of game theory books in PDF format.
Although it was created as a tool for understanding behavior in economics, what is known as game theory has been used in fields such as computer science, biology, sociology, psychology, political science, and philosophy.
Its usefulness has been such that it is even used by researchers in the field of computer science to take advantage of it in artificial intelligence and cybernetics.
10) General Math Books

Mathematics is a science based on logic in which symbols are used to create theories and inferences based on specific rules, definitions, postulates, or axioms. Because it is a science that invites human beings to use their deductive logic.
Mathematics is the basis of organization in our daily lives. Since its beginnings thousands of years ago, this tool has remained current in every human society. As a society becomes more complex, its mathematical needs also become more intense.
General math books will allow you to study the characteristics and different relationships that exist through abstract values, such as symbols, numbers, or geometric structures.
11) Geometry Books

Geometry is the mathematical branch in charge of studying figures in a plane or space. It is an essential element in the first levels of education, especially for analyzing measurements and characteristics such as area, perimeter, and volume.
Although the representation and analysis of figures were done since Ancient Egypt, the first to shape the concept of geometry at a theoretical level was Euclid, considered the father of geometry. In fact, the famous “Pythagoras theorem” is a demonstration of Euclid. Another person whose contributions elevated the study of geometry was Descartes.
Geometry is one of the mathematical tools with more applications in multiple fields of study, such as architecture, topography, physics, and geography, among others. Thanks to geometry books we can know the measurements of certain spaces or structures.
12) Graph Theory Books

Graph theory, also known as graph theory, is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of graphs. Graph theory represents an extraordinary fusion of culture, history, and complex problem-solving in the mathematical world. It seeks to visually represent and analyze large volumes of data.
Today, graphs represent the backbone of many solutions to complex problems. They are essential elements of social analytics and the study of interpersonal relationships. Recently, these tools have been used to more effectively combat financial fraud and money laundering.
In computer science, numerous phenomena can be modeled from graph theory. Some of them are computer networks, neural networks, the internal components of a system, etc. Concepts such as algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and arithmetic, among others, are applied in the theory.
13) Inferential Statistics Books

Inferential Statistics is a branch of statistics dedicated to the creation of models, predictions, and inferences about specific phenomena based on the randomness of observations. Its main application is the modeling of patterns in data and the drawing of anticipated conclusions about a population under study.
Inferences can be drawn from hypothesis testing, estimation, correlation, or regression analysis, which is nothing more than the modeling of relationships between variables. All these concepts you will be able to deepen them in the books of inferential statistics that we have selected for you.
Based on everything that can be empirically verified, inferential statistics offers a solution to many questions in our society. Its main focus is the analysis of data obtained from experiments. Therefore, at the end of the road, its goal is to know reality and represent it.
14) Integral Calculus Books

Integral calculus is a sub-branch of infinitesimal calculus based on the process of antiderivation or integration. It is a powerful tool in engineering, where it is often used for calculations of volumes and areas of solids. René Descartes, Archimedes, Gottfried Leibniz, Issac Barrow, and Isaac Newton were its first promoters.
The studies of Barrow, Leibniz, and Newton allowed the construction of the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, whose proposal consists of defining derivation and integration as inverse functions. Studying integral calculus will not only allow you to broaden your mathematical tools but will also help you solve everyday problems.
Determining the net investment flow of a company, finding the equilibrium cost of a product, or finding electrical variables in a physical problem are just some of the everyday situations that require integral calculus. To go deeper into this topic, we invite you to take a look at the books you will find here.
15) Logic Books

Logic is a formal science belonging to the field of philosophy in charge of studying the notion of truth, fallacies, paradoxes, valid inferences, and demonstrations. In essence, it is the field of study that encompasses all human reasoning. Logic is, by definition, a person’s ability to decide whether something is right or wrong.
Unlike consciousness, logic does not occur as a product of learning. Rather, it is an innate human ability that represents a field of study, since the origin of this capacity is unknown. Logic books deal with the human brain in-depth since all the material used by logic occurs there.
Logic helps us to have more clarity, capacity for correction, organization, depth of thought, and illation. It is a science that revolves around science because it requires valid demonstrations, causes of problems, and their respective solutions or ways to avoid them. Logic seeks “truth”.
16) Mathematical Finance Books

Mathematical Finance is a branch of mathematics dedicated to finance. It is composed of different tools that allow determining or finding the value of money concerning time, as well as analyzing the implications of this relationship through interest rates.
Through mathematical finance, we can calculate the value of the products that exist in the financial markets and their profitability. Therefore, it is oriented to study the value of money as a resource to obtain a certain yield. To achieve this, it uses resources such as capital, time, and interest.
In the mathematical finance books in this section, you will find everything you need to know about terms such as simple and compound interest, income, constant and increasing, future value and present value, loans, and amortization systems. Become an expert in the subject with the best titles we have prepared for you.
17) Statistics Books

Statistics is a field of mathematics focused on the study of the variability, collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and exposition of information or data. In addition, statistics is responsible for studying how these data are generated based on the rules of probability.
Statistical textbooks are indispensable tools in many areas of study, including the factual sciences and social sciences. Likewise, statistics represent a valuable resource in government institutions and various business areas, as they allow describing essential data for decision-making.
Nowadays, it is common to study a specific population through statistics. If you wish to improve your analysis and problem-solving skills, take a look at the statistics books available in this section.
18) Topology Books

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of geometric bodies that are not altered by continuous change. The word topology can also be used to refer to a group of subsets over a given set that satisfies certain rules of union and intersection.
Topology books are essential for the management and integrity of spatial data. An essential aspect of this mathematical branch is that it allows to guarantee the quality of spatial information. In this way, it is possible to efficiently search for any errors. Correctly defining a topological rule translates into a solution that is always correct.
The importance of topology lies in the fact that it gives us the assurance that the data are of quality and, from this, it allows us to ensure the relationship between objects. Thus it will be possible to involve topological properties in a given situation and to analyze the implications of a geographic information system in a specific field.
19) Trigonometry Books

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that is the study of trigonometric ratios, such as sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant. Etymologically, trigonometry is known as the “measurement of triangles”, but its applications transcend the mathematical and geometric plane.
The field of astronomy uses trigonometric techniques to measure distances between stars, geographical points, and satellite navigation systems. In the mathematical field, trigonometry has contributed multiple functions that have transcended its main objective to become independently studied elements.
It is also a concept applied in plane geometry in solutions of equations. In everyday life, trigonometry allows us to calculate distances, measure angles, and so on. If you want to explore more about trigonometric tools and how to apply them to your field of study, take a look at the trigonometry books we have selected for you.
20) Vector Calculation Books

Vector calculus, also known as multivariable calculus, is a branch of mathematics focused on the multivariable study of vectors in two or more dimensions. Vector calculus books contain a wide variety of techniques and formulas to solve common problems in the fields of physics and engineering.
In the study of engineering, vector calculus contributes to the development of the graduate’s logical thinking, in addition to laying the foundation for mathematical modeling. In some engineering applications, such as the concurrence of temporal and spatial variables, vector calculus is needed for the analysis of natural phenomena.
The study of vector calculus stems from the need to explore physical space using a mathematical tool. In this way, scientists found that many problems could be handled with the analysis of the vector part. Oliver Heaviside and Josiah Willard Gibbs are responsible for this discovery.