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Cratylus by Plato [PDF]

“Cratylus” is a fascinating philosophical dialogue by Plato that explores the power and importance of language in society. Discover intricate debates about the nature of words and their relationship with reality in this masterpiece.

Download your free copy of “Cratylus” in PDF format now and delve into the passionate arguments presented by Plato in this dialogue.

“Cratylus” will challenge you to question your beliefs about language and its relationship with reality.

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Information Cratylus

  • Author: Plato.
  • Publication Date: Approximately between 360 and 347 B.C.
  • Main Characters:
    • Socrates: Greek philosopher.
    • Hermogenes: Interlocutor.
    • Cratylus: Disciple of Heraclitus.
  • Brief Summary: In the philosophical dialogue of “Cratylus,” Socrates engages with Hermogenes and Cratylus to discuss the nature of language and the relationship between words and reality. It examines whether words are conventional or if they have an intrinsic connection to the objects they represent.
  • Thematic Analysis: “Cratylus” focuses on the philosophy of language and semantics. Plato explores the theory of linguistic signs, the role of language in knowledge construction, and the relationship between language and reality.
  • Historical Context: “Cratylus” was written during the classical period of ancient Greece, a time when philosophy and rational thought were thriving. Plato, a disciple of Socrates and a mentor to Aristotle, is one of the most influential philosophers in history, and his work has left a profound impact on Western philosophy.