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The Land of Mist by Arthur Conan Doyle [PDF]

“The Land of Mist” is a captivating novel by Arthur Conan Doyle that immerses you in a world of mystery and science fiction.

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Let yourself be enveloped by Conan Doyle’s masterful prose and discover the hidden secrets in “The Land of Mist.”

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Information The Land of Mist

  • Author: Arthur Conan Doyle​​.
  • Publication Date: 1926.
  • Main Characters:
    • Ned Malone: reporter.
    • Enid Challenger: daughter of Professor Challenger.
    • Lord John Roxton: friend of Professor Challenger.
    • Professor Challenger.
  • Brief Summary: Ned Malone and Enid Challenger investigate spiritualist phenomena, convincing Professor Challenger to join their research. The story focuses on their experiences with mediumship and the afterlife.
  • Thematic Analysis: “The Land of Mist” explores Arthur Conan Doyle’s growing interest in spiritualism and the afterlife, influenced by his personal losses during World War I.
  • Historical Context: “The Land of Mist” was published in 1926, at a time when spiritualism was gaining popularity and sparking debates about the existence of the supernatural.

Arthur Conan Doyle Books

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