15+ Books in Korean for Free! [PDF]

Welcome to an unparalleled literary treasure! Today we bring you our selection of free books in Korean, where you will find carefully curated books to satisfy all tastes and levels.

From eager beginners venturing into a new language to young dreamers seeking enchanting stories, everyone will find something that captures their interest.

We offer a range of books, including beginner-level books, children’s books, Korean novels, poetry, and Korean theater.

So whether you are a knowledge seeker, a fiction lover, or an aspiring poet, this online library is your destination to explore and celebrate the rich Korean literary heritage.

Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of words and emotions because we offer over 15 books in Korean, completely free in PDF format!

Books in Korean for Beginners

Books in Korean for Beginners are an invaluable tool for those who wish to learn this fascinating language.

Books specifically designed for beginners are an excellent way to start understanding and developing reading skills.

Whether you are interested in the language for academic, professional, or cultural reasons, books in korean for beginners are an essential starting point for your language adventure.

어린 왕자 (The Little Prince)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

이상한 나라의 앨리스 (Alice in Wonderland)

Lewis Carroll

Books in Korean for Children

Books in korean for children are a wonderful way to introduce young ones to the world of reading while fostering their learning of the Korean language.

In our listing, you will find Korean books for children, from “The Ant and the Grasshopper” and “Fox and Stork” to the collection of Grimm Brothers’ Tales.

These books are designed with the age and comprehension level of children in mind, making them engaging and educational.

개미와 베짱이 (The Ant and the Grasshopper)


사자와 생쥐 (The Lion and the Mouse)


토끼와 거북이 (The Tortoise and the Hare)


동화집 그림 형제 (Grimms' Fairy Tales)

Brothers Grimm

Novels in Korean

The translation of foreign literary works into Korean has enriched Korea’s literary scene by introducing readers to stories and writing styles from around the world.

Two notable examples are F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter,” which have been translated into Korean and found an eager audience.

Novels in korean allow readers to immerse themselves in iconic narratives and transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries.

위대한 개츠비 (The Great Gatsby)

F. Scott Fitzgerald

카라마조프의 형제 (The Brothers Karamazov)

Fyodor Dostoevsky

주홍글씨 (The Scarlet Letter)

Nathaniel Hawthorne

홍길동전 (Tale of Hong Gildong)

Heo Gyun

Korean Poetry

Korean poetry, rich and diverse, has produced a number of prominent authors throughout its history.

Among the luminaries of Korean poetry are Jeong Ji-yong, Shin Seok Jeong, and Kim Sowol. These poets have left an indelible mark on Korea’s lyrical tradition.

Their works continue to inspire generations of readers and are celebrated worldwide for their beauty and exploration of a wide range of themes.

유리창 (Windowpane)

Jeong Ji-yong

Poesía Coreana

Kim Sowol, Yongwoon Han, Shin Seok Jeong, etc

이 몸이 죽어가서

Seong Sam Mun

Korean Famous Poem

Kim Sowol

Theater books in Korean

Theater is a universal art form that plays a fundamental role in cultural expression and the enrichment of the human soul.

By translating theatrical texts into the Korean language, access to a wide range of literary and dramatic works from different cultures is facilitated.

The availability of Korean theater texts in PDF format makes research and in-depth study of dramaturgy easier, benefiting both scholars and artists.

햄릿 (Hamlet)

William Shakespeare

맥베스 (Macbeth)

William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare

로미오와 줄리엣 (Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare

Books for Learning Korean

Korean, the official language of South Korea and North Korea, has gained popularity worldwide due to its vibrant culture, K-pop, Korean dramas, and rich literary heritage.

We provide you with free materials that offer structured lessons covering foundational aspects such as the Korean alphabet (Hangul), grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Visit our collection of books for learning Korean in PDF and take advantage of these resources for your language learning journey.

Korean Exercises Books

If you are looking for free downloadable materials and resources to practice Korean, you shouldn’t miss our collection in PDF format.

This collection covers a wide range of levels, from beginners to advanced, and offers essential resources for those embarking on an exciting journey of learning Korean.

Visit our collection of Korean exercise books designed to help you refine your skills.

Well, this was our collection of Books in Korean in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

If you found this list useful, don’t forget to share it in your social networks. Remember that «Sharing is Caring».

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