15+ Black Magic Books for Free! [PDF]

The occult sciences, that is, those that are part of esotericism, have some practices that are not approved by social conventions. However, we know that there will be many interested in this collection of black magic books in PDF format to know its origin and behavior until today.

Magic has always had two sides, like two opposing forces that have different purposes and sometimes one can exclude the other. With this selection of black magic books you will learn about one of these two currents.

Black magic refers to a series of rituals that aim to articulate evil spells on a person or thing. It aims to intervene in the natural course of life, exerting control through a series of sorcery resources and rituals. This type of magic can influence a person’s free will.

Some results of black magic can be very negative, so magicians or clairvoyants who engage in this must be aware of the weight of their actions and take responsibility, since the result they seek is to alter organic and inorganic matter. Also, mentioned within this area is the Law of Return, where without proper knowledge, the effects of dark spells can be returned to the practitioner.

Certain black magic rituals are totally occult, such as those related to the use of blood and other types of socially reprehensible practices. Black magic is related to evil and white magic to good, a difference that is well marked in the actions that are carried out.

Check out this interesting collection of more than 15 black magic books in PDF format, you can download them right now for free on any of your electronic devices.

Here we present our complete selection of Black Magic books:

Fearing the Dar the use of Witchcraft to Control Human Trafficking Victims and Sustain Vulnerability

Luz E Nagle,Bolaji Owasanoye

Sihr or Black Magic and its Original History

Digilib UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Magic Healing and Ethics in Tibetan Buddhism

Sam van Schaik

Hoodoo Black Magic or Healing Art

Welcome to the Department of English College of Charleston

The Magic Art of Witchcraft and Black Magic (Article)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

Charms in the Context of Magic Practice the Case of Slovenia

Monika Kropej

Magic in the hadiths

Irmeli Perho

Black Magic


Secrets Ancient Magic (Article)

Robert Ousterhout,Grant Frame

War Magic Religion Sorcery and Performance

D S Farrer

Old Spells Magic Herbs and Frightening Creatures The Curandera in Rudolfo Anayas Bless Me Ultima (Article)

Joao de Mancelos

Magic and Witchcraft Implications for Democratization and Poverty Alleviating Aid in Africa

Dirk Kohnert

On Death and Magic Law Necromancy and the Great Beyond

Eric J Gouvin

White Man Law versus Black Magic Women Racial and Gender Entanglements of Witchcraft Policies in Romania

Alexandra Cotofana

Magic and the Supernatural in the African American Slave Culture and Society

Maura McNamara

Ruqyah in the Quran & Sunnah

Ummah Welfare Trust

Here ends our selection of free Black Magic books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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