15+ Personal Branding Books for Free! [PDF]

For you who want to build or strengthen your brand in the workplace, we have prepared an ideal selection of free personal branding books.

In the field of the labor market or job market, the personal branding of each individual represents his or her trajectory; that is, what you have done, who you are, and what distinguishes you in the area in which you work.

In other words, the personal branding is the mark you leave on others, and the image that others have of you; hence the importance of building it correctly so that it can be beneficial to your goals.

You must keep in mind that thanks to social networks and the web world in general, every day we are more exposed, so it is of utmost importance that you have a proper personal branding.

With the collection of more than 15 personal branding books in PDF format that we present to you, you will have the opportunity to learn what aspects your brand should cover and how to create or enhance it effectively.

Personal Branding Books

The Power of Personal Branding (Article)

Avinash Pawar

Concepts and constructs for personal branding: An exploratory literature review approach

Anna Zarkada

The Importance of Personal Branding - How to create and maintain a successful personal brand

Molly Hitchings

Personal Brand Workbook


Personal Branding - a case study on how individuals can develop themselves as their own personal brand

Sepide Rahmani and Anna Särhammar

Personal branding as an element of employees’ professional development

Irena Figurska

Personal Branding in Online Platform

Fahim Shaker and Reaz Hafiz

Developing an Authentic Personal Brand using Impression Management Behaviours: Exploring Female Entrepreneurs’ Experiences

Helen Thompson-Whiteside, Sarah Turnbull and Liza Howe-Walsh

Personal Branding

Colin Wright

Personal Branding and Digital Identity

If you are trying to create or improve your personal brand through your digital identity, we present a set of books that will allow you to know the characteristics and properties that such identity should have.

You will also learn about the advantages you can enjoy when you define a proper digital identity, whether you are entering the business, work or social world.

On the other hand, with the content of the digital identity books we offer you, you will have the opportunity to improve the way you interact with other profiles in the online world.

Students' perceptions of online personal branding on social media sites

Gonne-Victoria Benjamin, Lécuellé Guillaume and Nagisa Sasaki

Personal Branding Through Imagification in Social Media

Gustav Lindahl & Mimi Öhlund

Personal branding through social media (Article)

Irina Petruca

Personal branding on social media: the role of influencers

Liliana Vasconcelos and Orlando Lima Rua

The Importance of Personal Branding in Social Media: Educating Students to Create and Manage their Personal Brand (Article)

Katryna M. Johnson

Personal Branding on Social Media and Social Media Based Entrepreneurship

Jenni Vilander

Stand Out: Design a Personal Brand

Denise Anderson

Here ends our selection of free Personal Branding Books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Remember that “Sharing is Caring”.

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