20+ Astronomy Books for Free! [PDF]

To increase our digital library, we have selected a subject that has fascinated professionals and amateurs for as long as the world has existed. To provide you with the best information on the subject, we have compiled a list of free books on Astronomy.

Each text you will find in our list is in PDF format for better accessibility.

Astronomy is defined as the science that studies celestial bodies, their movements and related phenomena. The word comes from the Greek «άστρον» meaning astron and «νόμος» which translates as nomos and means “law of the stars”.

What we know today as Astronomy emerged almost at the same time as man. The first human beings were impressed with what the firmament showed them, and associated it with magic because they could not give any explanation.

This gave rise to the impulse to search the sky for signs and symbols that would indicate what was happening on earth, an activity that lasted for several centuries.

After many years of observation, the scientific bases of astronomy were established with more precise statements and explanations about the universe.

Today, astronomy is characterized by the study of the stars of the cosmos and the laws that govern their motion. Astronomers are responsible for studying the structure and evolution of planets, stars, galaxies and other stellar elements.

Our list consists of more than 20 Astronomy books in PDF format, with complete and interesting information about this science.

The books are in the public domain or have been made available for free distribution.

Here we present our complete selection of Astronomy Books:


Andrew Fraknoi, David Morrison and Sidney C. Wolff

An Introduction to Astronomy

Forest Ray Moulton

A Problem book in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Aniket Sule

Frontiers of Galaxy Evolution

Dr. Hans-Walter Rix, Dr.Joachim Wambsganß

Origin and growth of Astronomy in India (Presentation)

Mayank Vahia

Astronomy An overview


Introduction to Astronomy - From Darkness to Blazing Glory

Jeffrey Wright Scott

Space Based Astronomy Educator Guide


Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics-1 (Presentation)

Dipankar Bhattacharya

Modern Astronomy: An Introduction to Astronomy (Presentation)

Dr. Helen Johnston

The Solar System and its Planets (Presentation)

National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Big Ideas in Astronomy

International Astronomical Union

An Expanded View of the Universe

The E-ELT Science Office

Introduction to Radio Astronomy

John McKean

The Science of Astronomy (Presentation)

Southeastern Louisiana University

Our Solar System (Presentation)

Jiong Qiu

Introduction to the Universe (Presentation)

National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Astronomy The Study of Stars, Galaxies,Planets, and More (Presentation)

New Mexico State University

Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium

Donald Goldsmith

ASTRONOMY 161 Introduction to Solar System Astronomy (Presentation)

D. L. DePoy

Our Understanding of the Universe (From Ancient to Present Time)

Dr.Vijay Mohan Das

A New Universe to Discover

The American Astronomical Society

History of Astronomy

Jay Pasachoff, Magda Stavinschi,Mary Kay Hemenway

Why is Astronomy Important? (Article)

Marissa Rosenberg, Pedro Russo, Georgia Bladon

Astronomy Formula Sheet (Article)


Here ends our selection of free Astronomy books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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