25+ Economics Books for Free! [PDF]

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To continue to provide our readers with the opportunity to access free books, we have created another selection of complete publications full of interesting content on Economics. All the books in our select list are in PDF format, for your convenience.

Economics is understood as the science of social character in charge of studying how to manage the resources available to satisfy the needs of people. It also studies the behavior of individuals.

Because the resources available to our planet are scarce, not everything is available, so we have the necessity to manage those goods to obtain what we need. The economy encompasses the decision making of individuals, organizations and countries, to allocate those limited resources.

Economics also focuses on the interaction of human beings in the face of certain events, such as prices, wealth, production or consumption, to name a few. The ultimate goal of economics is to optimize the living conditions of individuals and societies.

Our list of books on Economics in PDF format consists of more than 25 texts. These texts have been organized according to the different definitions of Economics so that you can properly schedule your reading agenda.

Each book on our list is either in the public domain or has been released for free publication.

Microeconomics Books

The economic stability of a country is due to the activities carried out by all its inhabitants, such as: t-shirt manufacturers, shoe salesmen, waiters, dancers, architects, engineers, among others. All of them are involved in the generation of a nation’s resources and its profitability depends on them.

This can be understood in a simpler way, through the study of Microeconomics, a branch of the economy whose purpose consists of analyzing the financial behavior of companies, workers and households, as well as their interaction with markets.

In other words, this science analyzes how resources are generated through factors such as labor, raw materials or capital, in order to satisfy the needs of individuals and obtain well-being, based on basic principles such as the law of supply and demand.

Principles of Microeconomics

Libby Rittenberg, Tim Tregarthen

Basic Microeconomics

Larry Reynolds

Introductory Microeconomics

Dr. Deepashree

Macroeconomics Books

The movement of wealth obeys a science that encompasses a set of sub-topics that allow us to understand the origin of income, this is the economy, which provides the best options for the optimal use of resources in order to produce goods and services.

Among the many branches of this subject, Macroeconomics is defined as the study of a country’s economic interactions in general terms, where it develops models that explain factors such as the gross domestic product, scarcity, recession, among others, in order to avoid falling into financial crises.

In addition, it analyzes the behavior of variables such as the inflation rate, employment, unemployment, national production and economic growth; as well as explores operations related to international trade, such as imports and exports.

Principles of Macroeconomics 2e

Steven A. Greenlaw, David Shapiro

Principles of Macroeconomics

Douglas Curtis, Ian Irvine

Introduction to Macroeconomics

Robert M. Kunst

International Economics Books

The financial activity of a country is determined by its national production, tourism, natural resources and human strength; however, there is another movement that contributes to the enrichment of nations and is in charge of linking them up in order to guarantee the monetary balance of each one.

These notions are specified in the books of International Economy, known as that current that makes possible the manufacture of the pants that are in vogue or drives the most commercial brand in other territories; it allows the exchange of goods and services between borders, as well as studies the application of regulatory policies, trade and its bases.

In this sense, these texts are available whose content is quite formative, so it will be very useful for students and professionals who wish to acquire elementary knowledge about this science.

Policy and Theory of International Economics

Steve Suranovic

An Introduction to International Economic Relations

Y. Kozak, T. Shengelia,T. Sporek

International Economic and Financial Cooperation: New Issues, New Actors, New Responses

Peter B Kenen, Jeffrey R Shafer, Nigel L Wicks y Charles Wyplosz

Business Economics Books

The prosperity of any organization depends on its financial activity, therefore it is important to know the movements that are carried out within the institution, with the objective of evaluating if the executed guidelines are economically fruitful or not.

For this purpose, it is important that the entrepreneur acquires knowledge that will guide him/her in the construction of his/her own empire. This can be acquired by reviewing the books on Business Economics, where it will obtain notions that will help determine if the functions of the corporation have been defined according to the commercial nature of the company, and consequently resolve if the decision making is proportional to the results achieved.

The literature of these texts contributes to form the entrepreneur in all its splendor, so that he or she can lead the company to true success.

Business Economics

Pratibha Bagga

Business Economics

M.S. Khanchi

Business Economics

Various authors

Political Economy Books

Buying and selling are commercial activities that involve the fulfillment of processes to carry out a common goal, the enrichment. The process of establishing a supermarket, restaurant, school, insurance company, among others, is subject to a series of legal regularizations that once executed, there is no impediment for the business to start operations.

These requirements establish a relationship between the law, customs and the government, such as: paying a certain tax. In this sense, all persons are involved, both the buyer and the seller, as well as the entrepreneur.

For this reason, it is elementary to take advice on this subject, for which there is no better alternative than the books of Political Economy, where every entrepreneur will be able to create its business without evading legalities and will end up being a great expert.

Political Economy Lecture Notes

Daron Acemoglu

Political Economy Analysis for Development Effectiveness

Olivier Serrat

Environmental Economics Books

Nature provides marvelous resources that have an inestimable value for humanity; but nowadays, these goods belonging to the ecosystem are increasingly acquiring an important value for the economic and business sector.

At present, governments have established a set of regulations with the aim of contributing to an improvement of the habitat, through which corporations have the obligation to establish measures that encourage the care of these natural riches, such as: promoting recycling, avoiding air pollution, encouraging the saving of electrical energy, among others.

How can these policies be designed? By consulting the books on Environmental Economics, through which companies will obtain the necessary skills to include the preservation of the environment within their functions, and reduce the damage that organizations have generated.

Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy

University of London

Economics and the environment: a survey of issues and policy options

Various authors

Introduction to Environmental Economics (Presentation)

Makiko Nakano

Agricultural Economics Books

The agricultural sector plays an elementary role in finance, contributing to the financial enrichment of countries. The development of its activity is a generator of products from the animal and plant kingdom, where the use of natural resources prevails.

However, in order to improve the economy indices of this area, it is essential that the agricultural entrepreneur be advised on how to conduct itself in this field, where it must know aspects related to land use, agricultural measures, production costs, investment policies, project evaluation, profitability, among others.

In this regard, it is necessary to consult the literature in Agricultural Economics books, which offers techniques and methods for setting up this type of business, as well as allowing producers to analyze the competition around them and apply their best business strategy.

Agricultural Economics

University of Mumbai

Agricultural Economics: a brief intellectual history

C. Ford Runge

Open Economy Books

International relations base their interaction on economic purposes, the countries sign commercial treaties through which they establish conditions to favor the exchange of goods, services and financial assets (free circulation), with the objective of guaranteeing the common welfare and expanding economic integration.

Likewise, these activities contribute to promote international trade through exports, known as national production that is marketed abroad, which also includes the marketing of technology, capital and labor force.

Similarly, imports also play an important role, since governments acquire products and raw materials abroad to distribute them in their territories and boost their local production. All of the above is what is known as the Open Economy.

Monetary Policy Rules for an Open Economy

Nicoletta Batini, Richard Harrison, Stephen P. Millard

Toward a New Paradigm in Open Economy Modeling: Where Do We Stand?

Lucio Sarno

Informal Economy Books

A stand, often improvised, for the sale of items, is in most cases due to the lack of formal employment by the manager of the premise, insufficient salary compensation in its previous work, or simply due to the evasion of administrative controls, such as the payment of taxes.

All of this is called Informal Economy, which is “invisible” to the State due to the circumstances mentioned above, where working conditions do not comply with a legal framework and therefore, workers do not enjoy rights and benefits such as health insurance, vacations, bonuses, compensation, among others.

Similarly, this type of economic activity is involved with low levels of productivity, scarcity of legislative information and insufficient investment in technology, such is the case of independent merchants, domestic employees and street vendors.

The Informal Economy: Definitions, Theories and Policies

Martha Alter Chen

The Informal Economy

Kristina Flodman Becker

The Informal Economy

International Institute for Environment and Development

Social Economy Books

Organizations generally seek to maximize individual and corporate profits; however, there are other institutions that base their economic model on solidarity, based on the need to administer the resources obtained by prevailing the collective interest.

Based on principles of equity, the Social Economy, as described above, is the one that is based on the primacy of people and the common welfare over capital, where decision making is based primarily on the benefit of the workers and their contributions to the company.

In this socioeconomic initiative, equal opportunities, democracy, the insertion of people at risk of exclusion, and group unity are promoted, among other aspects, which highlight human values. Some of the agents that are organized under this economic model are associations, foundations and cooperatives.

Social economy – added value for local development and social cohesion

Ani Mateia, Adela Daniela Dorobantub

Social economy and social entrepreneurship

European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises

Social Economy

European Parliament

Circular Economy Books 

The goods that nature offers are invaluable treasures for humanity, for this reason strategies and methods must be applied that contribute to promote the preservation of the ecosystem, with the objective of healing the damages that the individual has caused until now.

The model that is currently being used is based on the use of resources by reducing the elements, this is called Circular Economy, which is inclined to promote the use of biodegradable materials in the manufacture of products for consumption, and so these, when discarded will not cause environmental damage.

Analyzing the proposal presented by this system would be fruitful for society, mainly for business people, because it would contribute to an improvement in the manufacture of their goods, thus benefiting their profitability.

The Circular Economy A review of definitions, processes and impacts

Vasileios Rizos, Katja Tuokko and Arno Behrens

Circular Economy

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Economies of Scale Books

At a time when companies are in full swing, their production grows so much that the associated costs are reduced, in other words, the more that is manufactured the less each individual commodity costs; this is achieved as organizations increase their size.

This financial phenomenon is called Economies of Scale, and in precise terms, it refers to the power that a company acquires when it reaches its optimal production levels, in which the fixed cost of manufacturing large quantities is minimized.

To carry out this process it is necessary to make large purchases of materials, establish long-term contracts, and improve technology, among others. The advantages of this economic model imply an increase in the benefits to be obtained, an increase in the capacity of growth and investment, and a greater productive efficiency.

Economies of Scale (Examples) (Article)

Various authors

Well, this was our selection of free Economics books in PDF format. We hope you can find the book you’re looking for!

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